L-R: Bjorn Leines, John Jackson, and Shandy Campos

John Jackson and Sevrin Vandermeer

The Cardiff Snowboards crew exploring the snowiest place on Earth.

Bjorn Leines and Chris Grenier laying the foundation for some heavy choices.

The Warp Wave crew watches the last of the alpenglow drop, and gets ready for a night of snow camping at 10k.

It’s a good life.

After this trip I owned two new jerry cans on top of what I had brought with me. Shooting and living deep in the mountains, we were always packing almost a weeks worth of sled fuel, for each man in the crew. Shot for UnderArmor.

Hans Mindich, Brenden Gerard, and Brandon Cocard

Scot Brown, Jason Robison, and Ozzy Henning wait for a friend to fly into Whitefish.

Legendary snowboard photographer Andy Wright shot a very similar photo with chichiuaua in the same town many years before, this was my playful tribute to the many years of inspiration his photographs gave me.

On the DIY sled access snowboard program in Interior BC, you can’t wake up early enough to beat the locals, they practically live outdoors. Shot for RedBull

L-R: Shandy Campos, Bjorn Leines, and John Jackson. Shot for RedBull

Only a few Heli-operations will send the birds up in a storm, I love those cowboy pilots.

L-R: Bjorn Leines, John Jackson, and Shandy Campos
John Jackson and Sevrin Vandermeer
The Cardiff Snowboards crew exploring the snowiest place on Earth.
Bjorn Leines and Chris Grenier laying the foundation for some heavy choices.
The Warp Wave crew watches the last of the alpenglow drop, and gets ready for a night of snow camping at 10k.
It’s a good life.
After this trip I owned two new jerry cans on top of what I had brought with me. Shooting and living deep in the mountains, we were always packing almost a weeks worth of sled fuel, for each man in the crew. Shot for UnderArmor.
Hans Mindich, Brenden Gerard, and Brandon Cocard
Scot Brown, Jason Robison, and Ozzy Henning wait for a friend to fly into Whitefish.
Legendary snowboard photographer Andy Wright shot a very similar photo with chichiuaua in the same town many years before, this was my playful tribute to the many years of inspiration his photographs gave me.
On the DIY sled access snowboard program in Interior BC, you can’t wake up early enough to beat the locals, they practically live outdoors. Shot for RedBull
L-R: Shandy Campos, Bjorn Leines, and John Jackson. Shot for RedBull
Only a few Heli-operations will send the birds up in a storm, I love those cowboy pilots.